Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Grow Taller Secrets Revealed

Hi Friend,

I have great news for those who wish they could grow taller! Secrets have been revealed to make this wish come true!
  • Have you felt overlooked for that promotion due to your height?
  • Do you think you could get that great gal or guy only if you were taller?
  • Are you sitting on the bench because your coach doesn't think you're tall enough?
The good new is that you can grow several inches regarless of your age using natural and effective methods. Dr. Darwin Smith researched and studied natural methods to increase one's height after being disatisfied with his 5'3" stature. He later grew 4 inches using his own grow taller secrets!

Dr. Darwins program can help you grow 2 to 3 inches during the first six weeks! Discover great exercises and supplements (that can be made at home) that will help you grow taller!

Click here to get the grow taller secrets to help you get that promotion, attract you future wife or husband, or break into the starting lineup!

You can also visit Grow 4 Inches Taller for more Grow Taller content.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New and Improved Site

Grow Taller Secrets is has been upgraded to a new and improved website.  Please visit Grow 4 Inches Taller.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grow Taller Secrets - A Few Core Exercises to Grow Taller Fast

There are many great exercises to grow taller fast. We will focus on core exercises to help you grow taller. A strong core is important because it helps maintain a healthy posture. Any flaw in your posture could cost you a few inches. The core contains the muscles of the abdominals, lower back, and obliques. Like any fitness goal, you will need to maintain consistency to see results.

One of the great exercises to grow taller fast is the crunch. The crunch targets your abdominal muscles. You perform this exercise by lying on the floor on your back. Put your feet flat on the floor with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle. Either put your hands on the back of your head or cross your arms in front of your chest. Bring your chest up towards your knees while contracting your abs. Repeat for 20 reps.

The next exercise is the side crunch. This movement targets your abdominals and obliques. You begin by lying on the ground in the position similar to a crunch except your legs are in the air with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Put your hands behind your head. Raise your upper body and twist so one of your elbows is touching the opposite knee. For example, start to crunch while lying on your back but twist your body so your right elbow will touch your left knee. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement but bring your left elbow to your right knee. Repeat this motion in alternating fashion.

Good mornings are another one of exercises to grow taller fast. Good mornings target the lower back. You can use this interchangeably with the back extension if you have access to the right equipment. If you are new to exercise, start out by using a broomstick or a very light empty barbell. Rest the broomstick on your shoulders behind your head as if you were going to perform squats. The exercise is performed by poking your butt backwards until your upper body is parallel to the ground. A common mistake is to think "bend over at the waist." You need to think "sitting back" when performing this exercise.

These were a few exercises to grow taller fast. Having a good posture is a sure way to maximize your height potential. A strong core will help maintain a healthy posture. Make these exercises consistent part of your routine while practicing good posture habits.
Dr. Darwin developed a program that will help you grow 2 to 3 inches during the first six weeks! Discover great exercises and supplements (that can be made at home, at low cost) that will help you grow taller!